Battlestar Galactica (2004–2009)
Not what it's cracked up to be
4 October 2006
There have been many naysayers on here who have made some interesting and valid points about this over-hyped, shallow series, and I am in complete agreement with them. The new BSG is a waste of TV airwaves and an insult to the viewer. It is seriously flawed in concept and execution. For example:

1. Cylons now look like supermodels: While the robotic Cylons shown on here from time to time look pretty good and successfully update the old 70's design, the human-looking Cylon idea is just lame. This old 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' plot line of enemies among us has just been done to death. Not to mention it's just lazy.

2. The contemporary look and feel of the show: I really hate the fact that the human Colonials who live halfway across the galaxy and know of Earth only in legend look like they buy their clothes at JC Penney and speak in collegial 21st century English. They drive cars and have diners. The have names like Laura and William and Lee. It makes me feel more like I'm watching 'The West Wing' and ruins all suspension of disbelief.

3. The Angst Factor: Everybody in this show has some kind of major character flaw and/or caries a huge-ass chip on their shoulder. They call it 'character development', but since this seems to be the hot trend in TV shows right now, I just think it's lazy.

People knock the old 1970's version as being cheesy and escapist, but at least the original series knew what it was and didn't try to pass itself off as something it wasn't.

I really hope that this show runs out of gas soon and will be replaced by something that hopefully is much better.
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