Makes "Body of Evidence" look like a classic
5 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is an obvious, unsuspenseful, unbelievable "thriller".

Obvious: there is never a moment's doubt about Tweed's guilt. Even if you haven't seen any of the previous "Body Chemistry" movies, it's perfectly clear right from the start that she is indeed a cold-blooded killer.

Unsuspenseful: the high moments of suspense come when we are wondering if the two leads will be discovered having sex in public places.

Unbelievable: What a lawyer this guy is! He is getting it on with his client a few hours before (and after) the trial! If he can be so easily seduced, how come he never cheated on his wife with his very attractive assistant (Marta Martin)?

Tweed is terrible at playing goody-goody, but terrific at playing evil (she is also possibly doubled in her first nude scene). Her co-star can't do much to compensate for the fact that his character is an idiot. (*1/2)
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