Total Reality (1997)
Total Reality = Quality "B" Movie.
6 October 2006
My comments are a bit more realistic than others. I've been a movie buff for decades, and to this day a high dollar movie is not a movie without the hard work performed by those who create quality B-Movies. B-Movies have always been the heart of the industry since the beginning of movies. There was a time when 25 cents got you the news, a cartoon, a "B" movie, and the feature film. Even after the news and cartoon became a thing of the past, a "B" movie opened a feature film until pricing started to increase past $2.00. Nobody starts on top, they always start in "B" movies, soaps, even porn before major productions come their way.

Personally I thought TOTAL REALITY was an excellent sci-fi "B" Movie, and well worth the price of a tape or DVD. Those that say otherwise either can't afford the tape, or just expect way to much from a movie. Remember... technology increases daily! A 1997 mid budget movie won't have the same output as a multimillion dollar feature film, but it does offer good entertainment and escape from reality...

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