Mediocre Pinku Entry...
9 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't really find anything all that notable in BEAUTY IN ROPE HELL other than the intriguing title. A pretty lackluster production that doesn't bring much to the table in terms of either an original storyline (another "by-the-numbers" Oniroku Dan script) or any really notable sleaze - not a total loss of a film but I tend to expect more out of the pinku genre...

A mailman kidnaps a pretty woman whose fiancée was just drafted to go to war. He keeps her in his attic and when she finds out that her husband has died in the war, she eventually becomes dependent upon her kidnapper. The kidnapper's girlfriend gets jealous when she finds that he's got wood for another chick, so she busts in on them boning and kills the guy...The End...

A few decent nudey scenes (no full-frontal, of course) are the only thing of note about this film. I can't say that I hated it or anything, as I find even "average" pinku films more entertaining than a lot of other stuff - but I've been OD'ing on these films lately, and this one was definitely not among the better ones, at least in my view. Not much to really recommend about this one - again, not a terrible film, just nothing noteworthy and will probably only be of interest to pinku completists...6/10
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