In the Blood (2006)
An excellent, affecting, true indie film
9 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I lucked out to be able to see this movie when it premiered at the Newfest in June of 06. It outshone the many low budget movies being shown, and was better than some of the bigger movies being featured. It's about a popular college jock whose life is turned upside down by brutal murders on his campus that are somehow linked to mysterious visions and a conflict over his identity. I loved the movie and just saw it again at the IFC Center down in the village (in NYC). There were several aspects of the film that were impressive.

The music was very well done and did a lot to set the mood. A main theme used throughout was haunting, reminiscent of horror movie music of the 70s, like the theme from Halloween. The direction was taut and provided a real sense of suspense throughout, with dashes of humor, and the editing was tight and kept the film moving along at the right pace. The writing was well done as well, with occasional nods to, again, 70s thrillers like The Night Stalker or When A Stranger Calls, right up to the climactic ending.

The performers were talented, committed to the story and consistently strong throughout. Carlos Alberto Valencia was tough as the street-smart hustler but with touches of kindness kept the character from being one-dimensional. Alison Fraser had a loopy charm as the mysterious aunt. Her character had some of the most difficult and central revelations in the film, and in lesser hands would have been over-the-top camp. But Tyler Hanes carries the movie as the confused, concerned Michael trying to sort out his identity, take care of his sister, and deal with his disturbing visions. He was engrossing as a handsome college student who seems to have it all but is dealing with secret after secret.

Some of the descriptions of the movie refer to it as a horror film, and maybe this is because of some of the violence in the film, which is never excessively done. It's actually more of a psychological thriller in how it unravels both Michael's personal dilemma and the brutal campus murders. This is a wonderful movie that deserves wider distribution and to have the chance to find its audience.
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