American cinema's most powerful scene?
10 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Is there another scene in the history of American movies that matches the power and emotion Helen's (Patty Duke's) discovery of the signed word, "water"? Maybe "The Marseillaise" in CASABLANCA, or perhaps a few others, but seeing Anne Bancroft and Patty Duke do it again recently brought it home to me once more. This may well be American movies' most powerful incident.

Others have pointed out that there are aspects of THE MIRACLE WORKER which are "stagey," obviously showing the transfer over from the theatrical production, and therefore, not entirely "cinematic." True. But, in this case, it doesn't mean that its less of a movie. Films can do lots of things, including making that transition from the stage to the screen, and this one brings along gut-wrenching power, and thrashing performances, and penetrating dialog.

Years ago, when my kids were small, a fellow film buff ruminated that we had a lot of classic movies to share with our children in the years ahead. And this movie was what we were talking about at the time. When it was time, my boys loved it. Don't let the nay-sayers talk you out of seeing this triumph of human determination and love.
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