Down Twisted (1987)
11 October 2006
Charles Rocket and Carey Lowell star as a bickering couple who must fight off the usual villains sent by a stonecutters-like underground who want a priceless artifact and are willing to kidnap and kill for. Lowell is the damsel in distress and Rocket is the knight in shining armor and the audience is bored with all of it. Keep in mind I haven't seen all of Pyun's works but I highly doubt any movie is as bad as this, watching infomercials provide more entertainment than this thing. In fact the movie is just tough to sit through, Down Twisted is so padded and uninspired you sense that nobody was interested in the material. In fact it's played so by the numbers and in neutral that one can't believe this is an adventure. Whatever this debacle is supposed to be, it's definitely not interesting and it's a must not-see!

1/2* out of 4-(Awful)
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