The slowest paced movie I have ever seen in my life
13 October 2006
When I mean slow , i don't mean it took a while to get going until the climax of the film . I mean EVERY single scene was dragged out to the extreme. For example there is a scene involving a couple of zombies and a guy with an axe. He doesn't just pick up the axe and smash their brains in ... no ... first he looks at the zombie...then the axe...then slowly ..very slowly...yes thats it put your right hand on the axe...then .yes ,yes.. the left hand ...now look at the zombie...yes then ...look at the axe ...now yes very,, very slowly walk towards the zombie.....right foot forward ...then the left ... then right again..then the left ... look at the zombie again....now, very, very, very slowly raise the axe...THEN- FINALLY SMASH ITS BRAINS IN.

there are also other such great dragged out scenes such as lady unlocking a pair of handcuffs and I kid you not , about 20 seconds of a women pressing the rewind and play button on a video camera.Every thing in this movie is incredibly slow and extended - the characters even walk throughout the duration of this movie ---by walk i mean at pleasant stroll speed.

This movie was awful and incredibly frustrating. Watching this movie gives you the same feeling you get when your stuck in a very slow moving queue
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