The Departed (2006)
Great movie. Doesn't feel like 2 1/2 hrs at all. I wanted more.
13 October 2006
Everybody cries about the ending. Honestly I believe everyone got what they deserved to. Even the so-called good guys. They had a choice and they made a bad one. The ending was perfect. It brought complete conclusion to everything. Mark and Alec played wonderful off of each other. And the dialogue with everyone was just brilliant. If this movie is not nominated for best picture I would be shocked. Leo is starting to more and more show himself as an adult actor and doing some exploration with characters. I happened to see a preview for The Blood Diamond which looks good as well. This movie was very well done. I praise them all. DiCaprio, Nicholson, Walhberg, Baldwin, Sheen, Damon and Farminga. It was perfect.
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