musical wrapped around a romantic comedy
14 October 2006
This is the kind of fare that Hollywood felt America wanted to help it forget the Great Depression. It turns out that Hollywood was right. The storyline is actually trite, and presents Gene Raymond as a romantic lead. (Why is beyond me.) Dolores Del Rio is his opposite; a good actress who also happens to be absolutely gorgeous. As has been noted by everyone else, it is the debut of Fred and Ginger as partners and this alone would make it worth watching. But, in my opinion, it is the music and dancing that makes this film worth watching. The production numbers couldn't be duplicated today, because no one could be persuaded to rehearse as long and hard as it must have required. The "Carioca" number at the middle of the picture, and "Flying Down to Rio", near the end, are truly astounding 'eye candy'. All in all, the girls are beautiful, the dancing is expert, and the music is wonderful to listen to.
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