Review of Man of the Year

14 October 2006
Before seeing this movie, I had heard and read comments about how the movie is "not a comedy" but I saw the movie anyway. Robin Williams has proved himself as a talented comedic and romantic actor so I figured either way I'd give the movie a chance.

To get to the point, Christopher Walken and Robin Williams could not save this movie. The plot had tremendous potential, but what wasn't advertised in previews was the ridiculous premise on which the movie was actually based. In addition, the movie is not simply a comedy, but more of a drama/thriller (but without the thrills). By midway into the movie, I was hating Robin Williams' character. He had few funny moments reminiscent of his Live of Broadway and other stand-up work. However, those moments were quickly drowned out. His image as a bold, witty political commentator is replaced in most of the movie by that of a weak, insecure man unfit for the presidency. That was not the Robin Williams I went to watch.
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