Very slight comedy
15 October 2006
Friends and Family is a very slight comedy about a couple of gay mobsters whose parents come to town (knowing about their relationship but not aware of their occupation).

Despite being advertised as "from the creators of Gods and Monsters" - I'm not quite sure of any connection (after doing a quick search in IMDb) - maybe they had the same caterers.

Friends and Family doesn't really have a whole lot going for it - it tries to make fun of fairly boring stereotypes (you got your mobsters, your really camp queens, drag queens, blah blah blah) and the humour is quite limp and soggy. It really feels a lot like "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" - another movie which (in my opinion) was quite sad.

I thought the only slightly humorous idea was the hick mid-west family who were planning destruction to the "Federal Government Occupiers of the United States" - but I'm sure this was a pre-9/11 movie...

Overall - if you think "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" was the funniest movie around - you might get a kick - otherwise for those who need a bit more omph with their comedy - don't bother!
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