Short and (Very) Sweet
17 October 2006
Paul Mollan is truly one of the unsung heroes of our generation. Paul restores the lost passion for cinema as an art form. It's difficult to compare his work. Actually, it's more unfair than difficult. In reviewing his work, the focus tends to come back to his ability to fully-capture the humanity of the characters, and the consequences of allowing them to be "human". His characters slowly distance themselves from their soul, and must slowly/awkwardly make the trek back to a painful truth. It's visceral, and necessary. Seemingly-simple, and so seemingly-difficult for mainstream directors to achieve. From casting, to scoring, and venue; Mollan proves that if you have the stomach, and the patience, and - most importantly - the vision; it can be done. If this man ever gets a real budget to work with, look out! "Fantasy Football" (feature) is now in production. Keep an eye out. The teasers are fantastic! Kudos, Paul! Keep 'em coming...
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