Review of Irresistible

The X-Files: Irresistible (1995)
Season 2, Episode 13
The Collector and the fear
19 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A dead girl. A fetishist working in a tanatory (or a morgue). The fetishist gets fired.

This is the setup for Irresistible.

In this chapter we'll see an affected Scully. In fact, the interesting part of the chapter is not the plot itself, but the conclusion you can get once analyzed. At first glance, this can seem a Monster Of The Week chapter, where a shape-shifter needs to collect the hair and the nails of dead women to keep alive. But if you look closer, you'll find some interesting reflexions: First of all, you can see that Scully is affected by dead. She even needs help from a specialist. Secondly, you'll see that Mulder is not wild as it could seem. He has feelings, feelings about Scully. The same way Scully has about Mulder. From the dialog, you can find that the reason because Scully watches the fetishist shape-shifting is because of the fear. The fear in the common, as many great writers/directors said.
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