The Wayne Manifesto (1996– )
There is an element of unspeakable filth in this program.
22 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Contrary to another review, this show is suitable for anyone who might watch TV. Unlike the septic sludge of today the children are depicted in a reasonably innocent childhood. However, it should be noted that there is one element of unspeakable filth that must be addressed - the father's hobby is collecting . . . . T-O-I-L-E-T-S. Shhhhhh.

So if you find such filthy hobbies offensive turn off your TV, pick it up, and throw it out the window because this program is as tame as it gets.

This is an EXCELLENT Program for ALL ages. (I love this show - and I'm 51.) It is unfortunate that The Wayne Manifesto has not been made available to a larger audience and/or on DVD. With brilliant story lines, believable acting, real sets/locations there is little here to be improved and the overall package can appeal to all.

A+ with double distinction.
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