Comedy & Drama
23 October 2006
Found this film for sale for only one dollar on DVD and enjoyed every minute of the story which involved two young girls who were tourists and wound up getting caught in a sort of triangle. Peter O'Toole,(Emil Saber),"Romeo & Me",'06 was a coin collector and was seeking another coin to increase the value of his collection. Emil was a sort of nut, who would do anything to obtain another coin. Alexandria Powers(Ronnie),"Zigs",'01 was a young boy who went around stealing items from the tourists in order to feed and care for his elderly grandfather. Ally Walker, (Lisa) "Happy Texas",'99 and Jill Novick,(Brenda) are young ladies who get deeply involved with Ronnie and the nut case, Emil. There are quite a few funny scenes where nudity is shown, especially when men go into a woman's public bath and vice versa. All the actors gave an outstanding performance and it was quite an entertaining film to view and enjoy.
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