Garfield in Disguise (1985 TV Short)
One of the best cartoons ever animated
23 October 2006
Let me just start by saying that to this very day, I hold this cartoon to be one of the scariest I have ever seen. For months after first seeing it, I would wake up screaming, thinking of that old man. But in addition to being creepy, the show is also very artistically drawn. The storyboard is also solid. I can identify with the never-ending pursuit for candy. I wouldn't row to the other side of the lake for candy, but Garfield and Odie would. Maybe that is why I loved this special so much; It brings back find memories of trick-or-treating. The pursuit of candy far outweighed actually eating the stuff. For whatever the reason, this and the Garfield Christmas Special hold a special place in my heart. PS, I still break out in a cold sweat every time I think about that old man rowing away in the boat and the ghosts coming
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