Review of Outlaw Star

Outlaw Star (1998–2001)
Been 8 years
28 October 2006
and this anime is still just plain awesome. i've seen the dubbed version and its great. this thing doesn't have an expiration date. the only thing you could argue that seems a little old is the animation, however thats still hardly noticeable.

in my opinion, the story has a unique flow. each episode can be watched separately without a problem. however, each episode is still connected somehow to the previous one, so they flow into each other. it almost seems like the whole show is one big arc.

characters are plain awesome. each character has a unique role which they play out in the overall story. i won't say much. you'll just have to discover them for yourself. :)

anyway, great show. lots of action and sci-fi. a little romance even. there is some comedy in it, but its not the laugh-out-loud type. its more like the funny-situation type. its all good.

btw, if you like this show make sure to check out "Cowboy Bebop." trust me on this one. :)
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