If you know any horse-loving girls, run to the store to get this movie for them
28 October 2006
Virginia lives with her father and older sister in Maine, where her father is lobsterman. Her mother died recently in a horse riding accident, it seems. Father sold the horse to a neighbor and has forbidden Virginia to ride. This is a harsh sentence for Virginia, as horses are part of her heart and soul. Twister, the sold horse, dies giving birth to a beautiful foal which Virginia names Stormy. In secret, she begins to ride Stormy and continue on her way to becoming an expert horsewoman. A snooty neighbor boy named Darrow does two reprehensible things toward Virginia's family. First, he nearly kills her sister in a reckless driving adventure. And, second, he convinces his father to sell Stormy. Virginia is heartbroken until her father convinces her to work at a nearby horse farm. What will it take for Virginia and, indeed, all of her family to heal from their loss? This is a lovely film for anyone who loves horses or animals. Stormy is indeed a beauty and Virginia is a teenager with spunk and savvy. All of the actors give nice turns in their respective roles. The scenery is also quite beautiful and there is a bit of a romance, too. If you know of someone who worships horses and dreams of owning a horse, this movie will send them into raptures. All others will sit down and enjoy a nice, family-friendly movie with character.
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