Blockade (1938)
This film takes a real risk,...well,...sort of,...
29 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This film is one of the very few Hollywood-style films made about the Spanish Civil War while it was still raging. A few films talked about it or had characters who supposedly fought in it, but were made DURING WWII when it was fashionable to say that you were against the Nazi-backed government of Franco. So since this film did take a stand, it does deserve some mention,....but only a small mention. That is because although the film was set in the midst of the revolution, the film sheds absolutely no light on who was fighting or even why. You would have had no idea that the Soviets or Nazis were actively supporting the Republicans as well as the Nationalists. And, very, very oddly, you are left to guess which side Henry Fonda is on, as this is never alluded to. Also, oddly, the uniforms of his side (which seems to be the Soviet-backed Republicans) look more like uniforms of Franco's Nationalists! All we REALLY know is that Fonda and his "side" is good and the other side is evil--talk about simplistic! Madeleine Carroll plays a very muddled role as a woman who ultimately works for BOTH sides. Fonda, oddly, gets a serious case of the "love at first sights" for Carroll--even though through most of the film she appears to be a spy for the other side! Talk about a lousy commitment to your ideals and an unconvincing "love story".

The film ultimately gets a 5 because it is not a horrid film. It is mildly entertaining and takes SOME risk, though it is also very, very muddled and full of clichés as well. My advice is DON'T watch this film--read a history book about this war instead!
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