One of the best Western films of the 1960s
1 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This was a wonderful Western that avoided the usual clichés of the genre and has quite a bit of depth to it--the characters are fully developed and believable. And, for director Peckinpah, it represents what I think is probably his best work. Unlike some of his later and very self-indulgent films that focus more on gore than acting (the best example is BRING ME THE HEAD OF ALFREDO GARCIA), this film focuses first and foremost on acting and characterizations. Because of this, it was a fantastic way for Randolph Scott to wrap up his long career (it was his last film).

However, despite Scott doing an excellent job, the film really is Joel McCrea's movie (he did a few films after this, but this was probably his last GREAT film). He plays the doggedly determined and decent man who, despite the odds, always makes himself do the right thing. He is a tower of decency and manliness--and not all that different than Gary Cooper as the sheriff in HIGH NOON. However, unlike in HIGH NOON, the age of the character is important to the story. Cooper is old but this isn't really talked about in his film, but McCrea is tough but worn down by age and the long-term effects of being a law man. He talks about arthritis as well as his many bullet wounds he's incurred over the years. Despite being older, achier and pretty poor after a lifetime of service to others, he is not bitter but content with himself and his life choices.

Scott, on the other hand, has a similar back story, but unlike McCrea, he feels that life owes him something. So, instead of helping McCrea to bring the gold to town, he plans on stealing it since "he deserves it". However, despite being so jaded and cynical, Scott is, down deep, also a decent man--it just isn't apparent through most of the film! This makes him less of a central focus, but probably a more complicated and interesting man, since he is more 'human'.

While I could explain the plot more, it's best just to watch it yourself. The film is beautifully filmed and acted. Its moral questions and depth of the characters make it a standout film. If you liked this type of film, you should also see Gregory Peck's THE BIG COUNTRY or THE GUNFIGHTER. I love Westerns, like these, that make you think and don't look just like any other film of the genre.
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