Unique and unusual--- like hillbillies on acid, with a happy ending
4 November 2006
This is a bit of a 'slice of life' type movie. The plot isn't really the key thing, it seems. Two poor families live near each other in Leeds, UK, on either side of a large park. On one side of the park Pakistanis reside, white English families on the other. The families are kind of parallel-- both are dysfunctional, both are breeding criminal children, and unhappy and desperate lives for them. Sounds depressing--- but the two families in focus have a spark of goodness and humanity in them--- the white one from the mother, the Pakistani one from an elder son. The white family has 3 children by 3 fathers; kind of an extra-loose family. The Pakistanis have arranged marriages and strict rules--- kind of an extra-tight family. AND... this is sort of a comedy, too. Although there is plenty of violence, and serious themes throughout.

This is not a typical movie by any means. But it is surprisingly uplifting, and not at all grim. Sounds grim, doesn't it? Somehow, it's not--- it's kind of inspiring, kind of funny. Kelli Hollis, the actress who plays the white mother, was in TV's 'Shameless'. This movie has a similar vibe--- yobs as clowns. 'How low can they go???' the movie seems to ask. And they do go lower and lower. But then, you really begin to understand and respect and LIKE many of the characters. Nice job, that. Kind of like hillbillies on acid--- with a mildly happy ending.
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