Review of Borat

Borat (2006)
Laughed til I Cried!!!
4 November 2006
I went to see this movie today with my wife. I had high expectations,... but this movie was funnier than I had thought. I will not give away any secrets or spoil the movie for you,... so I cant really say to much about it. This movie is shot to look like a documentary, which adds to the humor. And as far as the people in the movie,... I really cant tell if they were actors or real people..... although judging from the peoples reactions, a lot of them were real people. This movie is hilarious,... but very crude!!! And even though most of the movie had me laughing til I cried,... a couple parts did offend me. BUT to me that is the beauty of this movie,... it picks on all stereotypes and cultures, without prejudice.

And let me say one last thing,..... I have only known of this actor from the "Ali G Show", which I couldn't stand. However his Borat character is great, and perfect for a movie role.
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