The Losers (1970)
Mindless Crap
6 November 2006
A truly mindless, incoherent piece of trash, NAM'S ANGELS or THE LOSERS sucks under any name.

Five embarrassingly stereotypical American biker dudes are hired to rescue a CIA man from a Chinese prison camp during the Vietnam War. Of course the plan doesn't go entirely smoothly as the chumps hire prostitutes, get drunk and generally help the enemy by not only losing the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese, but ripping them out of their chests and stomping on them in laughter. Eventually they get their acts together and ride into the camp on armored bikes equipped with front-end machine guns. Such weaponry might be cool in a less horrid picture.

The premise of THE LOSERS (the actual on-screen title when I saw it) had the potential for some silly b-movie fun, but the film tries to be something it isn't -- legitimate cinema -- and it falls apart before ever forms. There have been worse films, but not by much. Even that violence-obsessed boy who grew up the street from you will be shaking his head.
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