The Secret (2006 Video)
This documentary could change your life...for the better!
7 November 2006
I've been studying the science of mind for years now. Having started with Deepak Chopra, "The Power of Now," Wayne Dyer, Ram Dass, and the Seth books, I believe that I have now found the most practical wisdom that has ever been offered in this very physical universe. That wisdom is the subject of the film "The Secret." The film was/is based on the work of Esther Hicks, a woman who channels a family of teachers that call themselves "Abraham" (because what they teach is at the heart of all religions).

Abraham and Esther have been spreading their message of "The Law of Attraction" for almost 20 years now. It's premise is so simple that I am quite certain it will be taught in schools someday, right alongside the law of gravity. The Law of Attraction states that like energy attracts like energy. And since everything you see in this universe (including your body) is comprised of energy (break subatomic particles down to their core and that's all you'll find), it's no surprise that you see the people who talk about wealth the most having the most money and the folks who talk about illness the most...

Now since we cannot see thoughts and emotions, we mostly discount their importance. After all, this is a world of action. Don't like something? Bomb those that are doing it. Want money? Go out and work for it. Have a problem? Get out your tools and fix it. But everything exists in thought before we can speak it, or take action on it. So look around you right now. Everything you see existed in the thoughts of some dreamer before it became manifest in this reality. So thoughts become things. That we can now agree on.

But we can go even further than that by saying that thoughts are energy. Thoughts precede emotion, and emotional energy is undeniable. In other words, think a thought right now. Think it on purpose. Perhaps you can think about a loved one, or a happier time in your life. Note how you feel. You just became a conscious attractor of more of that energy. Now if you think of something that sets you off, presses your buttons, etc., you can feel the difference. You have just focused on what you have decided, through your life experience, that you do not want, and you felt the discord in your being.

So what is this movie about? It's about offering more thoughts consciously that feel good...that are in alignment with what you want. The film offers clear anecdotes of real life examples of the Law of Attraction in action. The stories are the hook here. They will inspire you to live your life on purpose from this day forward. To identify what you want, hold your attention to it, and watch as the Universe (the teachers in this film say "Universe" rather than God because of the hang-ups some people have with the idea of God) delivers you the people, circumstance, money, inspiration, and creativity to live the life you've always dreamed.

Now there are two versions of this film. The first, original version contains Esther Hicks, as she channels Abraham. The second, extended version, does not contain Esther. She was edited out for contractual reasons, and although I have not seen the extended version (it's extended because even though they edited Esther out, they've included more commentary from other teachers), I look forward to viewing it soon. You can find the original version on ebay and amazon. Just make sure you see Esther's name somewhere in the title or description. The extended version is also available on those sites, as well as The Secret's official website.

Ultimately, whether this movie speaks to you or not will depend on where you are in your life and on your path. It may seem preposterous to you now, and if you watched it five or ten years from now, it might make your heart sing.

Much like "What the Bleep Do We Know," this film is catching on with the new ager crowd, and while it was never released in theaters (I think it was originally intended for Australian television), it is gaining quite a cult following.

Happy creating! -Dan Scranton
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