M*A*S*H (1972–1983)
one of the greatest shows made!
8 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am so glad they have re released MASH on DVD. I can remember watching the show every night as a kid and was sad when it went off the air. I n my mind It is one of the best shows ever written, the funny thing is that I can hardly stand the movie though. As I watch the reruns I'm finding episodes that I have no memory of, a pleasant surprise. One of the 'new' story lines is the developing relationship between Hawkeye and Margret, as a kid I laughed at them getting stranded together but don't remember much else so its interesting to watch them. One of my favorite examples is the episode titled 'Aide Station'. Hawkeye, Hot Lips and Klinger end up sent to an aide station thats short handed and end up with a totally new view of each other. I think this is the first time we see the serious side of Kilinger that is the norm after he takes over for Raidar. All in all Its a shame that It went off the air but I'm glad that its back for us to enjoy and to introduce others too who missed it the first time round.
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