Truly Horrible
9 November 2006
"David Tench Tonight", aired on Network Ten, is quite possibly the worst show airing on free-to-air TV these days.

The host, David Tench is an annoying computer animated character who doesn't have anything original or funny to say. He sits there and big-notes himself for a half an hour whilst also finding time to ridicule his guests who, for some reason, have agreed to appear on this thirty minute waste of celluloid.

With a massive promotion push weeks before the show aired, I was sucked in and had to see what it was. I'm sorry I did. I could have been doing something better, like watching grass grow or paint dry. But for some reason channel 10 has kept this show on air, despite the horrible ratings which have declined every week since the show first aired.

And the guests, famous, dignified men and women come onto this show expecting a decent interview. Instead David asks completely inappropriate questions and insults them while trying to say how great he is at the same time. Granted, most of the guests go along with the charade, others clearly get angry and annoyed at the animations antics.

I think the only reason anyone ever watches this show is to get through to Ronnie John's Half Hour airing straight after, because there is nothing funny or witty about Mr. Tench.

Channel 10 should take a long hard look at what exactly they're airing here.
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