As relevant today as it was then...
10 November 2006
Coming at a time when the press was getting aligned with the student left and congressional left, it was the only true movie that dared to face off against the yuppie generation's parents.

Burt Lancaster in Go Tell The Spartans and the movie Don't Cry It's Only Thunder were two more in their time periods that though low budget and story intense, did put the message out that the enemy was ignorance, politics, and communism.

Green Berets was the Strategic Air Command (among others) of its time. Get past the b.s. and look at the portrayal of the participants of all sides and you will see that it is more truthful than others give it credit for.

The movie relates that the Green Berets mission was not one of smoke and mirrors, but get in the dirt and live at the grass roots levels of those who were stuck between communism and a corrupted democratic govt.

It doesn't need computer graphics or shock and awe effects to say that the military then was in a transitional stage. Where the conventional warfare military leaders thought that European land battle tactics could win an Asian war.

The special forces then and of today got the message...the cold war wasn't the true war, it was the war of the flea being waged in south America, east europe, asia, and Africa.

Enjoy the movie for what it is...Wayne's unashamed tribute to a new breed of American soldier...the special operator. Remember, they were all volunteers. Screened. And chosen for their people skills, not kill skills.
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