Just sad...
11 November 2006
So like at the beginning of the year we started seeing little teasers of this David Tench character. The marketing was a lot like the even more humorless show 'The Wedge' but i'm not going to get into that. So finally we find out that Tench is in fact an animated character. At first I thought that this was an interesting idea, not a great idea but something that I would have to see for myself. But when you watch the show, you are treated to lame, stupid one liners and lousy boring interviews.

He promised interviews from some of the world's greatest celebrities which is strange because when was some guy who wrote a thriller novel a world's greatest celebrity? But you shouldn't expect much from this show. All you have to to do is sit there in boredom and watch as the guests have more fun than the people who are watching them. You should see them, they crack up at every crap joke that Tench says. This however excludes the American guests who realize halfway through the interview what a horrible mistake they've made as they don't seem to really enjoy the fact that they are talking to thin air.

All in all, 2006 is the year in which all Australian TV stations have attempted to introduce new shows which end up getting hated and shunned upon by the public, but it isn't the worst show on TV, it's just plain crap and uninteresting. This show would be more appealing as an internet thing but not a TV thing as the novelty of David Tench gets real old, real fast.
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