Arthur! Availability
11 November 2006
I have fond memories of 'Arthur And His Square Knights Of The Round Table' as I used to watch it as a pre school kid back in the late '60s. The Lancelot character always stuck in my mind because of his whistling 'ess' sounds. When recalling children's Television programmes down the pub I found that no-one remembered it but me and I only later discovered that it was only seen in the UK on certain regional commercial channels and having lived at the bottom of a hill, I was one of the few locals in our area to receive this alternative signal. About a year ago I was browsing in a second hand VHS store and found a compilation of 6 episodes, 'There's An Elephant At The Drawbridge', 'A Nice Knight For A Wedding', 'Paris Picnic', 'Octopus', 'Would You Believe A Beanstalk' and 'Which Wizard Versus Which Witch'. This was available on 'The Family Hit! Collection' produced by Castle Communications PLC. The quality is excellent as is the sound. Hope this is of use! Les.

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