Good movie for Al Franken fans
11 November 2006
I've been a fan of Al Franken for years and listen to his radio show, so I quite enjoyed this film that follows him from just before he joined Air America Radio through the 2004 election. Mostly, this documentary simply follows Franken around as he gives various speeches, debates Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity, does his radio show, jokes around with various Republican celebrities, and putzes around at home.

The high moments of the film are seeing Franken debate the opposition: Hannity, O'Reilly, Ann Coulter. Most Franken fans have heard the stories and even some audio of these encounters, but seeing them on film adds something. If there's any letdown, it's that the segments with O'Reilly and Ann Coulter are too short - you want to see more. There are some slower moments in the film but it never quite drags.
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