The Ultimate Gourmet Story
13 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Robert Morley was (in his best years) a very talented actor in both drama and comedy - his comic performances being best remembered ("Topkapi", "Murder At The Galop", "The Battle Of The Sexes) but his dramatic work should not to be sneezed at ("An Outcast Of The Islands", "Oscar Wilde", "Nine Hours To Rama"). Towards the end of his career too much of his work was in garbage (he explained he did it "for the money dear boy!") and even being a commercial spokesman for BOAC ("We'll take good care of you!"). However, this was not a sin for him only. Lord Olivier was going to end up doing commercials (like Henry Fonda) for a camera concern. And Olivier made films like "The Betsy" more frequently in his last decade than he made films like "A Little Romance". Morley's garbage was too much, but he also did films like "Who's Killing The Great Chefs Of Europe?", where the critics thought highly of his performances.

He only did one episode of "Alfred Hitchcock Presents", and it was a classic. Possibly the ultimate story of being a gourmet (the French film "Le Grand Bouffe" is the alternative), it takes being a lover of dining for the sake of dining to it's ultimate point. If you love fine food, than you should be willing to acknowledge the idea that people are part of the food chain too, so that there are recipes that involve us quite literally. This is the heart of the story.

With his imposing, fat figure, and his snooty style of acting Morley has the part of the gourmet snob down pat. He belongs only to the finest club of gourmets, and has eaten everything on the menu - but it is the "specialty of the house" that he really looks forward to most of the time. And in the end he is one of the glories of the club - stuck on their wall of honor, and saluted by his peers by their dining in the club on the dish he most loved in the world. The conclusion can only be called...shall we say "delicious!"
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