Blimey! It's a Zombie!!!
19 November 2006
I certainly can't write a spoiler as I played a brief part in the film and have no idea as yet how it pans-out! "Blimey, it's a zombie!" I do believe was my line to end all lines and, I gotta say, the entire experience was a dream come true (being a fan of such masterpiece movie making myself). From what little snippets I have seen of "Necro Files 2", I certainly believe it to be more than a fitting sequel. The two cops who return from the first instalment should be worth watching this video/DVD alone! I watched "Necro Files" during Isaac (the zombie)'s make-up session and - what a ball I had! I really could not believe what I was watching - that had all the elements of the perfect gore-fest for any lover of the genre... splatter galore, shades of B-movie 50's panache melded with the prefect Monthy Python-esquire over-the-top gut-churning black humour (see, I'm a limy, I add a superfluous "u"). I do feel, if I hadn't witness all behind-the-scenes, I would've found what occurred much more gruelling, but, if your tongue is still intact, place it firmly in your cheek. The Necro Files series are most certainly made by die-hard fans of the horror genre and should be appreciated as such. Relentless grue, gore, and comic-strip up-chuck factor. Wonderful. Just view on a strong, inebriate or empty stomach!
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