A new look for Final Fantasy, but should have stayed with RPG
27 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have played Final Fantasy VII more times than I can count and it is not only the best Final Fantasy in the whole series, it for me is the best game in the world ( yes better than Halo, God of War, Soul Calibur, and Kingdom Hearts ) and when I heard Squaresoft was making a third-person RPG, continuation of Final Fantasy VII I was basically shocked and interested. So finally the day came and I bought my reserved copy of this game, and right when I turned it on, I knew this was going to be EXTREMELY different. Vincent was one of my favorite characters in FF7, besides Cloud and I was really shocked when I found out about the game play. Don't get me wrong, it is a good game, just... different.

Gameplay: Sloppy, messed up, and completely unoriginal. The hand to hand combat was the same every damned time. The guns weren't very interesting and extremely weird looking. Of coarse it had its okay's, the machine gun was a pretty nice firing gun, and The Cerberus was very interesting, but the looks still don't help this in its own pathetic way 3/10

Characters: The characters were well described such as Shelke, Azul and everyone else. We learn a little more about Vincents past, and we get to see some very familiar faces. I only wish we could see more of Cloud and the gang. Squaresoft really has a problem with only sticking to the main characters. Advent Children was all based on Cloud and Kadaj. Dirge of Cerberus only sticks on Vincent and some villains. We got to see a few characters but not much. 7/10

Overall: This is an okay game, and a good weekend rental. The game play really needs some help, and the characters have a few downsides here and there, but by bearing the name Final Fantasy, just give this game a little chance. 6/10
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