Blood Sisters: Vamps 2 (2002 Video)
Paradoxically, vampire movies should never suck...
1 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
...and this one does. Badly.

In fact, films this shoddy--if one can indeed dignify such garbage as 'film,' since most all of it was shot on video--should simply be staked through the heart and put out of their misery.

Pacing? Get real. Plot? Straight out of a second-rate comic book. Acting? With a few exceptions, none of these folks were actors. Cinematography? A half step above amateur porn. Direction? Helpless. Production values? Tits up.

I won't bore you, unfortunate reader, with any recap of the laughable storyline, the stilted dialogue, or even the artless editing. Suffice to say, this is a wasted rental at even fifty cents. If you pick it up for free, I still recommend watching something else. Anything else.

Unless, perhaps, you are a mindless consumer of tits. Poor Joe Bob Briggs is getting' old and in the way.
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