Adventures of Superman: Tomb of Zaharan (1957)
Season 5, Episode 4
Not One Of Their Best But At Least Perry laughed
2 December 2006
This gets off to a laugh as Perry White asks his three reporters (small staff for a big paper, as I never saw any other reporters in the six years of this show.) for a "staff meeting." Olson says something and White looks at him and quips, "Modern education. Don't they teach you anything but finger-painting?"

Anyway, White wants them to get an interview with two members of some Zaharan cult, some supertitious group that is making news but not granting interviews. Perry gives Lois an expensive necklace, thinking that will help get the interview as the cult members seem attracted to jewelry. Meanwhile, two thieves have been following these guys with all the jewels, waiting for an opportunity to steal the baubles.

Without giving anything away, for awhile it seems like everyone's a crook in this story, where Jimmy and Lois wind up in fancy tomb dressed like half-naked Egyptians and they want to test Lois with some test that will prove she's their long-lost princess, a test that would kill her.

It was okay but wasn't really one of the better episodes. The only thing different is that the studio must have raised the budget on the show finally because the sets are different much more elaborate than in the past on these shows.

Oh, and Perry White ended the show with a big belly laugh! Now that was unusual and nice to see.
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