Awful, but also an awful lot of fun
3 December 2006
This is a crappy movie--there is no doubt about it. The acting is abysmal, the special effects laughable and the story itself amazingly dopey. However, this bad film also falls into the category of 'it's so bad it's good'--providing you with a lot of laughs due to its complete ineptness.

Let's start with the 'di-a-log'. Instead of just saying their lines, the aliens (most of which are NOT teenagers) speak in an absolutely silly staccato style--over-annunciating every syllable and sounding like a bunch of four year-olds who are pretending to be robots! Also, some of the extras (such as the doctor) are so painfully amateurish that they wouldn't have even been good enough to be in a high school production.

Now for the special effects. They weren't THAT bad during the first two-thirds of the film except when it came to the skeletons--this was pretty dumb. When the aliens used their ray guns, the hapless humans are instantly disintegrated and become skeletons. It you look carefully, you can see in some of these scenes that the top of the skull on the skeletons had been sawed off and there was a latch on the side of the skull--exactly what you'd find in a science supply catalog! Also, one time, the very top of the skull is seen and there's clearly a bolt on top--like a supply catalog skeleton! Also, every time someone is disintegrated, the skeleton is fully articulated--with all the bones connected--instead of being all disconnected like they really would be.

During the last half of the movie, the special effects hit real rock-bottom! In addition to the skeletons, they unleashed the 'most dangerous species' on the pitiful humans! You hear about it a lot and you don't see it until later. This horrible creature?! Yep, a giant lobster!! Yeah, they certainly spared no expenses here!!

Now as for the plot, as I mentioned above, the aliens were not teenagers. One or two might have been, but they looked like they were probably well into their twenties, but the rest were middle-aged. I really think the word 'teenager' was added to attract gullible and not exactly discerning teens to drive-ins. If you think about it, considering that many teens were probably more interested in getting to first or second-base (or more), the actual plot of the film was pretty irrelevant. I really couldn't see any adults or people with a working cerebral cortex actually paying to see this in the theater! Now as for me, I enjoy a bad film from time to time--and it's a great thing to watch and make fun of with friends. This film isn't quite as bad as PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE, but it's awfully close!
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