Thundercrack! (1975)
If You're Looking For Decency, Don't Come In This Room!
4 December 2006
Absurdly weird and funny porno flick you say? Count me in! So I just finished Thundercrack! a couple days ago. And it's taken me this long to collect my thoughts on this weird-ass film. All I knew going in is that it was weird, funny and full of sex. And that hits it right on the nose.

In the midst of a dark and stormy night, seven strangers find shelter at the residence of one Mrs. Gert Hammond. She's one character you have never come across in all of your film viewing. That's for sure. Mrs. Hammond takes them all in with open arms and is happy and proud to have company on this particular night. But she fails to realize that she's gone completely insane. And you will realize this in a matter of seconds when watching the movie. And the actress playing Hammond does a fantastic job pulling off one of the strangest performances to date. Most of the time you're watching her act with pure curiosity, the next moment you're laughing your ass off. The scene where she's getting ready for her first arrival had me really laughing. Anyways, her guests are four men and three women. A couple guests know one another and the rest "really" get to know one another. Thundercrack! is chock full of flashing lightning, pickled husbands, sex, horny gorillas, gay sex and one used up cucumber.

There are many upsides to this wonder of a porn flick, but there are a couple downsides also. For me, the flick was pretty difficult to hear. It's a rare movie that has not received the proper treatment it deserves. The music is too loud when people are talking. And sometimes when you're trying to read lips, the lightning from the Thundercracks! can't let you see what they're saying. This is a big problem, because the dialogue is where the movie shines. But if this problem is resolved, wowee, this could be one hell of a treat for the unsuspecting viewer. There's a rumor that a nicely packaged DVD is coming out....who knows when though.

Again, this movie is perversely strange and strangely perverse. For many a year I've yearned for a movie that could compete with my messed up dreams. And this is it. If you like porn, witty dialogue, funny acting, cucumbers, and just overall weirdass movies, you'll definitely get a kick out of Thundercrack! Right Chandler? 8.5 outta 10
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