Seven Mummies (2006)
More stupid low budget horror crap.
5 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Seven Mummies starts out on a lonely desert road where a police transport vehicle has crashed, the five convicts can't believe their luck & after killing one guard & taking the other (Carina Vincent) hostage they set off across the inhospitable desert terrain towards the border. En-route they find a gold medallion buried in the ground & an old Indian guy (Danny Trejo) claims that there is a town nearby which is stuffed with gold & they can use the medallion to find it, the escaped convicts need no invitation & before long their at the town which looks like something out of a John Wayne western. They quickly discover that the local population are in fact Vampire like zombies lead by Drake (Billy Drago)...

Directed by Nick Quested who also has a role in the film as Deputy Carry I thought Seven Mummies was yet another below average, nothing special, utterly forgettable & stupid low budget shot on digital horror film that steal most of it's ideas from better films such as From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) amongst others. To be honest I've had it with these poorly made, badly thought out, cheap, rubbishy & boring films. I love the horror genre & I'll watch anything associated with it but there comes a point where you have to say enough is enough, right? There is only so much I can forgive, I mean the script by Thadd Turner is boring, makes no sense, has poor character's, weak dialogue & a crap ending. The best thing I can say about Seven Mummies is that it's watchable if you've got nothing better to do & it's reasonably well made, other than that though I'm finding it very difficult to say anything positive about it. In case your wondering there are no Mummies in Seven Mummies, or at least of the typical Egyptian wrapped in bandages mummy, there are a few kung-fu fighting zombie Priests who look more like Monks at the end but there isn't a bandage in sight I'm afraid.

Director Quested does an OK job, the film looks alright although it's not scary, it has zero atmosphere or tension & it lacks any significant gore or violence either. There's a decapitation, a couple of stabbings, someone has their eyes poked out (although why this would make you cough up blood from your mouth I don't know), someone is slashed across the breasts & not much else to get excited about.

I have to admit that I was amazed to learn that Seven Mummies had a supposed budget of about $5,000,000, where on earth did all the money go? That's a lot of money & it certainly doesn't end up on screen. Martin Kove makes a cameo appearance but gets killed off, Billy Drago deserves better than this & a special mention goes to the babe who gets slashed by Drago as I have no idea what her character name was but she was hot & why did they have to kill her off?

Seven Mummies is a pretty poor low budget horror film that offers little, if anything, in terms of entertainment. Maybe I'm being a touch harsh on it as I've seen far worse but I'm fed up of wasting my time with crap like this, having said that I'll still be stupid enough to be the first in the queue when the next low budget piece of crap gets released. It doesn't even have any real proper mummies in it, honestly...
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