Star Trek: The Man Trap (1966)
Season 1, Episode 1
This episode sucks....literally.
5 December 2006
Okay, you Trekkie/Trekker trivia freaks, this is the first Star Trek episode that was aired, even though it was not the first filmed. Apparently, NBC wanted a "bug-eyed monster" episode and made them show this one first since it features a giant body-changing sucking hairy monster. The problem is that despite having the monster, there really isn't all that much to recommend the episode. It's pretty dull and a terrible way to initiate the series. Not among the very worst, but far, far from the best.

Strengths are the monster itself--it looked cool and compared to later episodes, the production values are pretty good. Negatives were the incredibly low energy of everyone in the episode (I actually would have welcomed some of Kirk's hysterics) and the static nature of the episode. It should have been more exciting and probably reflects the newness of the show. Later episodes would be smoother--with better and more natural action and dialog. Regardless, it is fun to watch and the show won its time slot when it debuted back in the 1960s.

By the way, if you watch, look carefully at the first scene. You'll see Uhura at the helm! Also, her dialog with Spock is very unusual- - quite good, but unusual.
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