Hannah Montana: Bad Moose Rising (2007)
Season 1, Episode 26
this is a spoiler of most of the episode, but not all!
10 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't seen the whole thing, but it is not what they describe here. It's about the neighbor, Donzitg's {sp?} niece, Patty, who comes to visit him. He is very annoyed of her and comes down with a cold that Robby Ray gave him. He tells Jackson to take care of her. Jackson pays Patty to keep her mouth shut while Jackson makes a bet with Miley. The bet is that if Miley watches Patty all day, without one complaint, Jackson has to drive her where ever and whenever she wants for the rest of her non-driving life, but if she caves... Jackson is free and he never has to give up any of his plans for Miley ever again. Miley must give up a fashion show, which is a once and a lifetime chance. Patty drags Miley around all day, Jackson taunts her about caving. Miley must obey every command Patty says, and she is a very demanding little brat. Finally after doing many activities that taunt and embarrass Miley; Patty says she's tired and wants to go home. Jackson convinces Patty to go to Make a Moose (kinda like Build a Bear) at the mall. Miley plays along and goes to Make a Moose. At Make a Moose, Miley makes Patty "Hannah Moosetana." Patty says that its perfect, except it needs more stuffing (stuffing as in stuffed animal stuffing.) Miley goes over to the stuffing machine and turns it on. After 2 seconds Patty commands Miley to turn off the machine because her moose is getting too big. Patty grabs her moose and stuffing starts to fly everywhere. One of the employees at Make a Moose comes over and tells Miley that if she is using the stuffing machine without him supervising, Patty's moose would have been taken away. Miley hides tube (that lets out the stuffing) behind her and her pants start getting bigger. Jackson starts asking questions to the employee there so that Miley's pants will get bigger and bigger filled with stuffing. At this point, she could not have moved because if she did she would have blown stuffing everywhere, and Patty's moose would have been taken away. So her pants are getting bigger and bigger, while Jackson is asks "which is bigger a Carabu {sp?} or a Moose?" and employee says a moose is much larger. Patty then says "Well maybe my moose should be bigger." "You're moose is fine!" Miley says. "But he said-" "I don't care what he said! I've had enough of you! I'm sick of it, I have my own life and I am not going to let you ruin it" Miley yells at Patty. Then Jackson jumps up and down and says that he win and the Miley blew up. Miley says that she didn't blow up, while her pants are getting very big and filled with stuffing, and then her pants blew up and stuffing went everywhere. "Now I blew up!" Miley said.

Sorry I am not the best "episode recapper", but I do try my best. I hope you guys enjoyed, or even understood it!
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