Smallpox (2002 TV Movie)
inaccurate Scaremongering.
11 December 2006
I saw this a while ago and to be honest, I reckon that Messrs Chinn and Perceval have a lot to answer for.

This was broadcast a while after 9/11 and it's obviously scaremongering to whip tension (especially in the wake of the Anthrax scare) so In that way, I take a particularly dim view of this fake documentary.

Besides, why smallpox? If it was as contagious as it sounds then it would have run rampant during the middle ages onwards. (The most likely way to catch it would have been close and dare I say, irresponsible contact with a victim) This would have been better if it was made as a feature film as it would be more appropriate and responsible, besides, its out of date now isn't it? However, it was not without it's upsides as the drama was well portrayed, well documented and well thought up (despite it's plot holes and controversies).
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