Her Grandmother's Eyes
12 December 2006
Director Alan Crosland and star John Barrymore attempt to recapture the the success of their previous effort, THE BELOVED ROGUE, with this story of debauchery and all-conquering love in the ancien regime, from the novel MANON LESCAUT. It was a popular story, made into a couple of ballets and an opera by Puccini. But despite the sumptuous sets and stuntwork, it lacks the essential verve and generosity of Barrymore's performance in the earlier movie -- but this movie is not about him. The star of the picture is Dolores Costello, who would marry Barrymore a year later. The modern moviegoer should be able to recognize her easily enough. Their grand daughter, Drew Barrymore, has her eyes.

At first it seemed to me that Barrymore was too old for the role -- a young man studying for the priesthood in his forties? But the very real chemistry of the two stars more than makes up for that.
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