The Devil's Daughter (1973 TV Movie)
Not bad considering it was made for TV
14 December 2006 seems to me that this film has got something of a better reception than it deserves, but even so; The Devil's Daughter is a more than adequate made for TV story of devil worship. The film takes obvious influence from the likes of Rosemary's Baby as it features a largely innocent character finding herself in the world of demons and their worshippers. The plot focuses on Diane Shaw; a young woman who returns home for her mothers' funeral and is then adopted by a friend of her mother, who also happens to be a devil worshipper. To say any more than that would give too much away, so I won't. The runtime is very short at just 72 minutes, and as such; the film does feel more than a little underdone. However, the just about good enough to hold the audience's attention until the end, which is lucky because The Devil's Daughter's strongest element is its twist ending. The twist at the end is likely to be the only thing you'll remember about the film, and although I wouldn't say it's worth sitting through the entire movie just to see the twist - if you want an example of a made for TV horror movie, you could certainly do a lot worse than this. However, if you want a better version of a similar plot - check out Michele Soavi's excellent 'The Sect'!
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