Lost and Found (I) (2006)
Amazing Independent Film
17 December 2006
The 10 stars says it all.

This is one of the most awesome films I have ever seen.

Brett Climo is his usual amazing self, portraying McKenzies mental breakdown with such realism and compassion.

I was on the edge of my seat the whole time and on the verge of tears several times I cannot praise this film enough.

David Blake (the Director) is a genius, its such a shame this was a limited release film as the film deserves more recognition for its fearless approach than it did.

The supporting cast were fantastic too.

Rebecca Gibney gives one of the best performances of her career as McKenzies mum who is a battered wife - an unusual role for her but totally believable.

Sharn Hammond in her first leading role was sympathetic and very real as McKenzies girlfriend trying to work out what is going on, how to help and whether she can help him.

The cello led score creates the right atmosphere for the film and even overlaps the dialogue and then takes over so you just see the actors working with the dialogue and you just hear the score.

On the whole this is a multi layered, expertly acted and directed film that deserves a wider audience than it had.
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