Improvement over the first chapter....
21 December 2006
This chapter seems to be an improvement over Phantom Menace. The story was interesting but the story of Anakin being in love with Padme was a no-no. The excitement in this film was not as good as The Phantom Menace. They were many slow paced scenes particularly with the Anakin-Padme scenes . They were boring and stupid . The chemistry was very bad because both performances were awful. The romance has lack of passion. George should use more romantic elements in it both emotionally and passionately. When I thought Jake Llyod's acting was poor , I was hoping Hayden could do a better job but he was just as worst as him. While Natalie Portman's wooden acting is still there except improved . The battle on Geonosis was the greatest field battle since Episode V . Last for not least,the climatic duel between Yoda and Dooku was the most that surprised me . I finally get to see Yoda in action for the first time .

Overall this movie was good but still a little bad but still cannot compare to the original trilogy. #5 in my ranking of the Star Wars movies. 7.5/10
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