Meh... it was so so i guess
26 December 2006
I already had the Double CD album and really loved that. So a family member bought me this DVD as a gift. The music, as i expected was absolutely superb, but then it always was. Gives me shivers every time i hear it. That said, I felt it could have maybe been reworked more than it was for this. It was essentially a note for note replay of the original. Whilst that alone is great, i kind of hoped for more.

I cant say I was overly impressed with the visual stuff. The "resurrected" Richard Burton just made me laugh. I felt a lot more could have made been of staging of the storyline instead of relying so much on the CGI. If you're going to have live singers, why not have one or two live actors too!! Fleeing from the fighting machine maybe? And don't even get me started on the fighting machine... as it came down on to the stage so slowly and pathetically I thought the crane might have broken then just stood there with a few flashing lights and firecrackers.

I sound very negative but I'm not saying it was bad. Just don't expect anything new like i perhaps did.
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