Donkey Skin (1970)
Enjoyable and charming
1 January 2007
This film is charming, the songs are adorable and catchy, even for those of us who are not perfect at french. The film is by Demy, one of the French New Wave film makers, who, as did the others, had his own distinct style. His joy at adding colour to his films is obvious in this film as it was in Umbrellas of Cherbourg. Each kingdom has its distinct colour, such as red, and as such all the horses, servants and outfits complement this. The colour and the music are not the only things this film has going for it. Another is that it is brilliantly acted bu Catherine Deneuve, who, though keeping the film light, absorbs you into her world. Though the film is suitable for children, the classic fairy tale story, there is an undercurrent and theme of incest between Deneuve's character and her father the King, whose wife on her death bed tells him to marry someone prettier than her. The Princess, the only one prettier, therefore becomes her father's choice of his next wife. It is a film that is first and foremost fun, and this can be seen no where more clearly than at the end when Deneuve's father and fairy godmother arrive. Very enjoyable!
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