What's a nice boy like Peter Brown doing!?
7 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
What's a nice young man like Peter Brown doing wearing a horror mask and forcing terrified women to sing "Jingle Bells" while he rapes the living daylights out of them? Peter Brown, who was that good-looking clean-cut Deputy Johnny McKay throughout TV's excellent "Lawman" series (1958-60). What would marshal Troop think of him now? All those sweet appearances in such TV evergreens as, "Maverick,""Cheyenne,""Colt .45," "Loredo," "Sugarfoot" and countless others have led to this manner of extreme debauchery in a rather unnerving exploitation cheapie full of meanness and skin? Little Peter Brown, wearing an orange jumpsuit, leaping out of the bushes, ripping the duds off hapless women and violating them as breasts flop around to the frenzied squeaking of a happy Christmas tune? I have to give it five big curiosity points for being one actor's most astonishingly bizarre screen turnaround. Peter, you naughty boy.
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