Danger Mouse: The Statue of Liberty Caper (1992)
Season 9, Episode 3
Why did the remake this show?
7 January 2007
Danger Mouse was one the greatest cartoons ever! But when I heard about them remaking the series three or four years on in the early 1990's, I was interested. However, when I saw them, I was gutted! Whoever wrote the new series was a right idiot!. How could he think about turning our beloved DM into such garbage! He should have done some serious research back then (they could do research back in those days despite there not being any Internet) instead of filling the series with used jokes and lame & hollow new characters, creatures and villains. Along with the original adventures of DM repeated over and over and over again! Sure the original cast return to lend their voices but the stories are so weak and humour just isn't funny! They also replaced master fiend Baron Silas Greenback with some lame rip-off of Count Duckula's enemy, Dr. Van Goosewing! I must admit the new series has it's moments but still basically crap! At the time, they should have just stuck with making more Count Duckula episodes! This is a total insult to the fans of the earlier series and to Danger Mouse himself! If you have the 12-Disc Set with all the Danger Mouse episodes, I suggest you only watch the episodes from 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986 or 1987 and stay well away from episodes produce in 1990, 1991 and 1992! If Danger Mouse was released for the first time with these episodes ten years later than it was, it wouldn't have become the cartoon we know it as today! 2/10
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